When the moon hits your eye / like a big pizza pie / that's amore....
When you swim in the sea / and an eel bites your knee / that's a moray
When the moon hits your dish / and you mispronounce fish / albacore
A New Zealander man / with a permanent tan / that's a Maori
When your vitamins be / mostly C, D, and E / have some more A
When a Canadian shows you his / mother he says / Dat's my maw, eh
When two patterns combine / in a way serpentine / that's a moire
My new raygun here tries / to put out both your eyes / that's a Moe-ray
For the farmer in need / of some very cheap feed / get some mow-hay
When the moon hits your knee / and you mispronunce tree / sycamore
When your chocolate graham / is so full that it's crammed / that's a s'more, eh?
When the moon hits your face / in the damp marshy place / that's a moor, eh?